Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pasta this week!

Good day everyone! Ok so I’ve been thinking about it for the last few days and thought this post should have a fun recipe in it that is easy and will make you look like a star in the Kitchen.

It’s easy and takes a short time so you can cook it in front of your significant other and you will look like you know what you’re doing. Which is the key to leaving a great impression, look like you know what you’re doing!

What you will need

• 1 package thin spaghetti or angel hair pasta.

• ½ lbs. of bacon….. Bacon is meat candy BTW… Cut into small pieces like bacon chips

• I green onion bundle, (other vegies to taste… like mushrooms, carrots, broccoli etc.)

• 12 oz. Chicken breast, (Cajun or other flavor as you like) Cubed ½ X ½

• 1 clove garlic

• Parmesan Cheese (8 oz. package)

• 1 egg

• Spices…. So a secrete here, when you re cooking for another person make it your own by changing the taste each time, you can do this by changing spices. Note to self, make sure they are spices that go with Italian food, big mistake to try and put Apple pie spice in this dish! Be smart stick with Marjoram, Cajun, and Garlic.

In a large pot start to boil water, the more water and bigger the pot, the longer it takes! Once water is started, sauté (frying) bacon, garlic, and chicken in a skillet. Add chicken 5 minutes after you start with the Bacon. Cook on high until the Bacon starts to get hard and chicken starts to turn white (juices run clear). Then add in Onion and other Vegies and seasoning to skillet turn down heat to low and cove for about 5 minutes.

Next when the water is boiling, break pasta in ½ and boil for 6-8 minutes. This thin pasta cooks faster than the normal pasta. Check it when it is soft it’s done. Drain off the water, after drained put pasta back in the Pot and crack a raw egg over the hot pasta. The pasta will cook the egg while you stir it in with the Parmesan Cheese. Next add all ingredients from the skillet into the pasta and using a tongs, turn the bacon and chicken mixture into the past. You should have enough for 4 people, remember if you have leftovers, ask them if they would like to take some home…..DO NOT Hoard it!

Serve on a plate with Garlic bread and a nice WHITE wine. Try to remember this; cheap wine makes you seem cheap! Don’t break the bank but a good rule of thumb is $13 – $25 on a bottle, ask clerk for help if you don’t know….nothing to sweet. Sweet is for desert wines (we will get into wines at a later date) If you can’t stand white wine, tough! Drink it, it will not kill you! Remember, we are trying to impress them….. Think them first and then me. Go slow and be calm.

Enjoy the meal.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Music monday 6-21-2010

Good Music Monday!

OK, let get this started right. The very first thing we have to do is classify our audience in age groups. It might seem harsh but it we can use the standard Puma (28-35) Cougar's (35-45) and Jaguars (48+) for woman. Guys' lets see I think we should go with the ever popular Summer (25-35) Fall (35-45) and Winter (48+) those last catagories, Winter and Jaguar,  I assume will change as I grow older!!! All age groups younger than that I group as trail blazers, mostly because they wont listen to reason anyway!

Guy's, while I understand your taste in music may be, REO, Boston, Best of Bread (Fall and Winters) Even I enjoy sitting down eating some Subway or vacuuming the first time ever and listening to AC/DC, Beastie Boys or Doobie Brothers (Fall and Winter). Don’t get me wrong, all great music, if you really want to impress, we need to clarify a few things up front so we have common understandings.

First before anything, I think we should start by understanding some basics about listening to any music.

First off, it needs to be played on something. Okay, lets see if you were like me, you were lucky enough in the split-up to walk away with a TV, and with your component stereo, you have a 5000 watt amp, your collection of heavy metal albums, the 6 CD changer (with 6 CD's) and speakers so big the could blow the clothes right off of a girl when you were in college. Hey ladies lets not forget you, that old Panasonic bookshelf your Mom and Dad bought you for Christmas in 1993 when you were in college. You know the one that still has the cassette tape player (BTW you do realize they don’t make those any more right?) so prevalently displayed on the front center of the box. the speakers that are so light you could list them with one hand, or maybe use them still as end table in your living room.   Oh and that old  collection of Journey, Meatloaf and the very popular "movie soundtracks" tapes and CD's you have collected over the years, so we are clear...the may not cut it for the significant other you may want in your life now.

We will discuss stereo equipment in the posts to come, but start thinking about a change in that arena now, so when it comes, you will be ready to move on. Start to embrace the phrase "change is good".

So now that's out of the way.... every Monday we will be looking a new singer or group that can open our minds to some new and very good music. As for my old friends, I am sorry we may need to go back over some stuff in the play list I have already done. I will try to tell you the Album and musician of the Music I send out so you can start to make informed choices for your tastes.

Today's music you can look to the next post and you should be able to get right to the song! Daniel Cage Sleepwalkin! Just click on the name and press play when you get to the website the podcast is published on.  Its never easy to do but keep trying and my only advice for you..... make sure you press play!  

I hope you  enjoy and have a great Music Monday!


My name is Jim. I’m a 45 year old man living in MN. I have been divorced going on 7 years, which is 1 year longer than the marriage, so I have that going for me. I was told by my frinds, councilors and others that I should write down some of the stuff that happens to me because it will be “cathartic” (anyone who knows me could see that she must have said that because I have never used that word in my life!) after many trials that were a success and MANY that failed, I think some of you might benefit from hearing about what happened to me along the way. Little things that helped me in this past 7 years. Through my efforts, I found out a few things that I have a knack for; one, I can cook,  and two I can always find the right music.  This blog will cover everything for setting up a great kitchen and some real good music playlists to set your comeback in motion.  This is not just for men, ladies I have found need some help as well!  So here I go embarking on a new endeavor. My mission is to create a blog that will give you the right tools to help you on your way to moving on in your life!   I hope you enjoy it.

A few things about me we should clear up, first I am not a writer! I hated doing it in college, high school, or really anytime. I was the kid who when the teachers asked if we would rather write a 2 page paper or give a 10 minute speech, I chose the speech! ADHD was the determination back then….now it helps with my profession! I write like I talk so at times this may be all over the board, if you have any questions or comments feel free to email me and I will respond in kind.
